I saw a Facebook post the other day from an old college friend that said if you don’t believe that there is still sexism in 2021, then feel free to walk with her into a variety of presumably male-dominated...
Before we made the actual purchase of our voluntary milking systems, we went and looked at many different farms that had them. We wanted to see the pros and cons and how the herds were managed
A year ago I was networking with hundreds of people from all over the country. Today I am attending Zoom meetings. Both experiences have provided me something to be grateful for
Be willing to stay updated on issues across the country and around the world, because how it is being dealt with might come in handy for your farm one day
It had been snowing, cold, and blustery for days when we made the call. We were bedding calf pens as fast as we could, but the number of calves due that week was double what we usually expected
The world is a weird place filled with uncertainty. Last year illustrated this, but sadly we were only a handful of days into the new year when 2021 documented this, too
For most people, January is considered a fresh start. Belongings are often organized and purged to make room for the new, nutrition is top of mind after indulging in holiday treats, and many consider improving...
The new year always feels like a refreshed time. Even though it is just one day different, somehow, flipping to the new year on the calendar makes it a fresh start